
  • Long take vs Short take (long takes bulid up suspense
  • Pace of cuts
  • Transitions
  • Post production effects- green sauce, grading/colour correction
  •   Diegetic Sound
  • Non-diegetic sound
  • Pleonastic sound
  • Sound vs silence- Juxtaposition
  • Costume- consider how costume affects viewers perception
  • Composition- using unusual compositions with objects in foreground/background/middle ground
  • Rule of thirds and lead room (leaving space around focal point- eg. Halloween and wide angle shots)

Variety of shots used
  • Long shot
  • Mid shot
  • Close up
Variety of angles used
  • Low angle
  • Straight angle
  • High angle
  • Canted angle
Camera movement
  • Pan
  • Whip
  • Zoom
  • Deep Focus
  • Racking
  • Shallow Focus


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