How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The Film and The Poster
As the poster is advertising the film there must be a connection shown between the two. As people are more likely to see the film before they see the poster it must appeal to the audience and be intriguing enough for them to want to see the film. The key part of making a promotional package was that we needed all of the products to synergise. Making them look like a whole package that worked together was something that we had to focus on.I edited it to have a black and white filter so it would fit in with the poster as well as the film as previously mentioned it has muted colours. Many images associated with horror films tend to not include brightly coloured images.

I thought the black compliments all the colours very well and as there's nothing in the background it shows that nothing can stop this necklace and that people should be very wary of this mysterious piece of jewellery. The title almost says that the necklace controls its victims and just tells them to not turn around. The name of the producer gives it the simplistic feel. The red and black colours I think signals that its becoming more and more powerful whatever the evil entity is and the white background around it symbolises the good left before the evil empowers the good.

The film and the double page spread
 My double page spread differs from most supernatural films out there knowing from my research in terms of the layout. On the other hand it continues that colour scheme of dark mischievous meanings including black tones and the blue to represent coldness and the shivers down the spines The eyes I included to testify to the idea that you are always being watched. Another idea I intend for it to mean is that if you look very closely in the eye you will be able to see the demon smiling and controlling his victims. For the demon not all of his face is shown which is a typical common convention in horrors in general.

To conclude I think my poster and film is the stronger combination as the poster tells us a fair amount, what you can tell is that this necklace looks menacing and does not look like its going to do anybody any favours. In addition, the double page spread still sends the message that whatever happens in the film its for the worst. The film tells the story behind the poster. Finally I would say they all link well to the film telling the audience what they need to know.


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