
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The Film and The Poster As the poster is advertising the film there must be a connection shown between the two. As people are more likely to see the film before they see the poster it must appeal to the audience and be intriguing enough for them to want to see the film. The key part of making a promotional package was that we needed all of the products to synergise. Making them look like a whole package that worked together was something that we had to focus on. I edited it to have a black and white filter so it would fit in with the poster as well as the film as previously mentioned it has muted colours. Many images associated with horror films tend to not include brightly coloured images. I thought the black compliments all the colours very well and as there's nothing in the background it shows that nothing can stop this necklace and that people should be very wary of this mysterious piece of jewellery. The title almost says that the necklace controls its victims and 

Evaluation - What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

To get a feel for what the people are saying a mini questionnaire was filled from anonymous people on their thoughts judging the film This will help me judge what my target audience will want to see and will ask direct questions. For example what they liked and so forth. 5 people answered each question. Below are the submissions: How could I Improve the film? More violence Dialogue needed Jump Scares  Faster paced action Shown the death of the boyfriend What made the film excel? Acting The way the demon appears behind her all of a sudden Use of non diagetic sounds The necklace was a nice touch especially when it lands upright The box being showed at the start with all the evil murmurs Would you recommend to a friend? Yes Yes something different Yes If there's nothing else to watch then yeah No From 1-10 what would you rate the film? 10 9 7 5 4 From the magazine and the poster would it entice you watch it? Yeah for sure its not the typ

Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Production The first stage of our production was to collect all of our footage in total we had about 4 different filming days at different locations. To film we used a Canon EOS 700D and a tripod. This camera is a DSLR camera so we knew that we would be able to collect good footage of a high quality. We then again used this same equipment to create our ancillary’s. I used blogger once again to store all my research and information. This time it was a lot easier to use since I have used it before. However there was some technical difficulties as some pictures would not adjust to the position I wanted them to be in. All in all it was a smooth experience using blogger again. Canva is another piece of software I used for my double page spread and my poster. I enjoyed using canva a lot. It is very easy to navigate your way round the program and can make some great things. I had no problem with using it and would gladly use it again. I used something called IMovie

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Forms and conventions define a genre and are the way in which something is done. Within my work I have used, challenged and developed  some of these forms and conventions. My genre was in the shape of supernatural Horror. The main fil I compared my film to was paranormal activity and their conventions. Supernatural Horror usually sets place in an environment that is deemed safe. For example I set my location at a house where you would think nothing can harm you. Giving it that realism to the audience that these events about to occur can happen anywhere. With the location comes a powerful creature lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. Throughout the film this evil being torments the characters till its satisfied. My film includes just that as the evil being controls and plays with the main character to the point where her boyfriend is worried and asking questions. Another convention of this genre is the use of dark tones and depressing features. My film follows that convention a

Anciliary Tasks- Magazine Double Page Spread


Ancillary Task: Poster
